Saturday, February 17, 2007

Module 4 - Search the Web (cont.)

After copying and pasting in the first hit from Google for the 'advanced internet users' task (see below), my blog would not let me add anything further to the post. I don't know why not, but am continuing in this new post.

I got a whopping 90,700,000 hits for those three words in Google.

Am a little confused about the rest of this task. I used Copernicus to do further searching of the phrase, but was hoping to use Clusty, SurfWax among others, but they did not seem to be options. There were also several engines that are there by default and I could not turn them off. I have screen prints of the whole thing above. I then did different searches (still with the 4 default engines) and added these search engines separately, each time: (gave 10 results), Open Directory Project (gave 4 results) and Alta Vista (gave 11 results).

Obviously Google gives every Tom, Dick and Harry a go - indiscriminant to say the least, whereas the higher order search engines are extremely choosey and gave higher quality results. Also, all the engines didn't have the three words together - any individual word could show up anywhere in the result - the consequence of not doing speech marks? Better get on with the Boolean part of the tasks!

As an aside, Laura Cohen's notes/tutorials are excellent. Very interesting and well-written. It's a whole new universe out there. Will definitely use some of these other search engines. Google no longer has a stranglehold on me and my internet habits!

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